Thursday, March 27, 2008

The advantages of the entertainments

Entertainments are normal for children, and as well is the process to develop the children. There are many advantages from the entertainments. To say at least there are six advantages;

1. To help strengthen the children’s body growth. When the children take exercises for example riding bicycle, pitch a ball, etc, it will increase their physical strength.

2. To help strengthen the children’s IQ. When the children do entertainments, they will absorb everything around them such as shapes, colors, etc. These are basic development of the children’s brains and intelligences.

3. To help strengthen the children’s EQ. When the children take exercises or do entertainments, they will be relaxed and happy. It is very important factor to help decreasing their pressure.

4. To help strengthen the children’s social development. The entertainments will make the children learn to play with anothers. They will learn about sharing, waiting, and respecting other’s differences.

5. To help strengthen the children’s linguistic growth. When the children have some entertainments, they will tell stories in variety. These are precious to children’s linguistic growth.

6. To help the parents known more about their children. When the parents see their children playing, having entertainments, or taking exercises, they will know more about their children’s development. And these will help the parents to plan in developing their children’s growth.

We can certainly say that the entertainments are very important to children's development; however, there are more advantages for children’s development.

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